Patents and utility models
A patent for invention is an exclusive right (monopoly) to use of the invention in a commercial or professional manner in designated territory.
Patents are granted for such technical solutions (inventions), which:
• are new,
• have an inventive step and
• are suitable for industrial use.
An invention is considered new if its technical principle has not been made available to the general public in the form of a written or verbal description, by use, presentation or disclosure in another way.
The scope of the patent (what is protected) is defined by the patent claims enclosed in the patent description.
Patents granted are subject to entry into the patent register, and information about their granting is published.
The duration of the patent is 20 years from the date of filing application to the Patent Office.
Protection of invention is guaranteed by the country in which the application was filed and on the territory of which it extends. In addition to national protection, you can apply for a regional patent (e.g. European or international patent applications).
You can apply for protection in other selected countries within 12 months starting from the date of properly filed patent application.